c'était trop fort!!au point que je peux même pas m'exprimer...
Comment 2 jeunes garçons avaient entretenu le rêve d'aller au sommet de cette tour mytique alors à leurs yeux, et comment ils se sont promis de s'y rendre avec l'avion qu'ils vont construire. Et comment ils vont construire cet avion? that was just simply inspiring!! simple life, simple joys great fullfilling dreams :)
There was one moment in the movie when I almost got into tears, when takaya was talking to that woman, who works with him in the lab, about his friend hitori. Explaining how their worlds were torn apart. He said:"He was my best friend. we admired the very same things, we hade the same dreams, the same goals, but we both went to different places. how should i say? I didn't know wich direction should i go. Then I got into this lab...".
This dialogue reminds me of my best friend. We were too close to each other, we had the very same simple sweet dreams. I loved her sooo much, and I still do. I'm writing this and I'm in tears... But I feel good that I still have these feelings! I miss her sooo much. I miss those days when we stayed all night analysing someone or some situation. When we stayed glued to that bench in front of boys dormes, looking at the stars and listening to "les mistrals gagnants", "je lui dirais" ou "l'homme qui n'avait pas de maisons" ou encore "je te le dis comme même" and I loooved when you said "je m'en fout je les aimais pas". When all others were kriming and we were talking, just talking. When we use to laugh seeing a tree. When we laugh just because our sight crossed. and when we broke into tears for something I did, or something I didn' t do, or something that I forgot to do. I feel like am talking to You. Remember that day in the bathroom in the middle of the night? when we were talking about our lives in 10 years from now. We talked a lot, and we've made a pact, remember? it was in 2/2/2005, au dortoire B. that night we made a promise that never, ever we won't be torn apart. that we'll be friends for ever. That was our promise, and every 2nd february I remind myself. I hope you remember too...And if you don't, that's alright with me...we're friends after all.
I miss you, I miss all the little things, I never taught they would mean everything to me, and I miss you and I wish you were here!!
I love you my friend :)
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