Daisypath Friendship tickers

vendredi 28 décembre 2018

Beautiful people

I was going to say nice people but I found it denigrating so beautiful people it is.

I was in the train going back home when the ticket inspector came to me. I reached for my wallet to show him my card but I couldn't find it. I searched and searched nothing. The card wasn't in the wallet nor in my bag. When he saw my distress he said search more I will get back to you. So I searched and searched..nothing. then he came back near my seat and pretended not to see me. Then when I was about to speak and say I didn't find it he said routinely: already checked. I was releaved.
I reminisce the other day 4 years ago when I forgot my card and the ticket inspector filed me a fine of 2400 DHS, I was banned from subscribing and I had to see the oncf lawyer to drop the fine and regulate my situation. It took me almost 3 months of running around without a subscription just for the sake of a mean inspector. This time the inspector was nice not just nice considerate and just beautiful. So to all you beautiful people in this world : shine bright so you enlighten this world.
I love you.
 سير آخويا كيفما سترتيني و يسرتي ليا الله يسترك و يسر ليك

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