Daisypath Friendship tickers

dimanche 23 décembre 2012

YOM - Week one

Ok, I know it's been more than a week (12 days to be precise) but anyway, this is how it goes: I created an album on Flickr and uploaded all the photos I've taken and I guess I'll be posting an update every sunday in this blog inchaallah.
Soooo, this is the first weekly photo compilation of the Year Of Morning Project (YOM).
12-12-12-YOM by Bshira
This is it... I know the pictures are not that great but hey I'm not a pro!! (far from it) I'm just an ordinary girl who's trying to catch these tiny little moments of peace in her mornings and this is the aim and essence of this project!!
Till next time, keep smiling :)

mercredi 12 décembre 2012

12-12-12 :)

Special date, but nothing special to do!!
too bad!!

lundi 10 décembre 2012

أسألك إلهي حلما لا ينام و لا ينيم

هل حدث أنَّ آخَرَكَ سامَرَك فأَسَرّ لك ؟
حاول ان تخرج من نفسك كأنك أنت و انظر إليك من بعيد كأنك هو
- محمود درويش -

 هل جربت في هدأة الليل إذا توسط أن تسترق السمع لأحاديث تقال في منازل النجوم بين من لم تنمهم أحلامهم؟
- أدونيس -


أقاليم القلب دوما مفتوحة للغزو الفاتن
- محمود درويش -

mardi 4 décembre 2012


Earlier this day, Saloua dropped me a comment in goodreads saying:"shall we give it a try? for this coming year; to have our "Year of mornings"?"
this comment was like a slap in my face!! I feel really angry with myself right now, thinking that I wrote this post more than a year ago with all the hope to make a good use of my mornings, to take time to appreciate every new day that GOD blesses me with, to simply get up early, do something I feel good about and carry on my day with this smile in my face that only satisfaction can draw. This comment reminded me of how lazy I am and how many slaps I needed to actually wake up and get hold of myself.
hopefully, it's never too late to do good.
at first I said to myself: should we stick to photography, or spice it up a little bit with weekly bonus tasks like writing a letter to a loved one or a long lost friend; or maybe write about happy memories; or write about something we feel grateful for; or cook something...etc but being the lazy me I guess I'll stick with photoraphy and maybe (I say maybe) I'll do one of the above ideas when I feel like it :) 

So, here's what I suggest for this project:
  • take one picture/day 
  • the pictures should be taken before 10 am (including weekends and holidays)
  • the pictures can be taken at home, outdoors or at work (anywhere actually :p )
  • begin the project on december 12th 2012 (12-12-12) :p
  • create a seperate blog for the project
  • ...waiting for your suggestions!!!
please, pleeeeeeeeeease, if you're excited about the project and want to join in, drop a comment on this post... one person can get easilly lazy disctracted and drop the project but I know that together we can make this work!!
I think that's all I wanted to say...I'll be waiting for your feedback. till then here's a picture of one of my mornings at the railway station.