Daisypath Friendship tickers

jeudi 29 juillet 2010

I miss you :(

Once upon a time, there was 4 princesses that lived together in a happy castle. They were too close and they all carried the sweet dream to live together in a farm of their own once they get married. They dreamed to bring up their children together in the same happy healthy mood they used to live in, far away from this cruel world. But the years went by, and the miles have torn their world apart. 
Now the little princess B is all alone, feeling all dizzy as she remembers her dear friends. She misses the years that were erased, she misses the laughter, she misses the tears that they shared, she misses all the little things, she never thought that they would mean everything to her. 
Wherever you are I miss you and I wish you were here...

4 commentaires:

  1. المشكلة الصداقة الحقيقية لا يمكن استبدالها
    مهما نتعرف على شخصيات جديدة تظل الذكرى وحنينها لأيام الصداقة الحقيقية
    الزمن أحيانا يبعدنا عن بعض
    لكنهم يسكنون أعماقنا
    لمحبتنا الصادقة لهم

  2. you're not alone Princess B, we're always here. sure, life take us a little bit far but be sure that you are always in our hearts and minds and never those beautiful days can be forgotten
    I love you and i miss u soooooooo much

    wakha 3lik bekkitini! :)

  3. wakha 3likom les deux, 7sedtkom ana mnine 9rite l'article et daba aussi :)

    LAH ikhelikom leb3dyatkom :)

  4. Mer7ba bsaloua et princess F fhad le blog lmotawadi3. Alhamdolillah allathy akramani bissada9atikonn.
    Je vous aime trop les filles!!!
